Download Book Our Sexuality Enhanced Edition, 14th Edition - E-Book - Original PDF

Original PDF by Robert Crooks, Karla Baur, Laura Widman
Format: Original PDF Language: English Edition: 14 Publisher: Cengage Learning; 14th edition (March 1, 2024) Publitshion date: 2024 ISBN: 9798214136462, 9798214136547, 9798214153445, 9798214136554
Do you think you are sexually intelligent? You will be after reading Crooks/Baur/Widman's OUR SEXUALITY, ENHANCED 14th EDITION, the most respected and authoritative college textbook on human sexuality. It takes a sex-positive, inclusive and comprehensive look at human sexuality and the many ways sexuality shapes our health, satisfaction and relationships. This enhanced edition has been meticulously refreshed to reflect the most current research findings and psychosocial developments in the field. Direct and nonjudgmental, the text covers "our" sexuality in an accessible, straightforward manner. With a focus on strengthening your self-awareness and sexual intelligence, the text is packed with exciting new research, personally relevant examples and practical information on sexual health. Also available with the text are the MindTap and Infuse digital learning solutions.
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