
Refund Policy

Dear User,
Welcome to Ebookrally, your premier destination for quality ebooks. We value your satisfaction and aim to provide you with the best possible service. Please take a moment to review our refund policy to ensure a smooth experience with our platform.

  1. Cancellation of Book Requests:
  • Book requests can be canceled only before the book is sent.
  • To cancel a request, please use the ticket option beside each request.
  1. Quality Assurance:
  • We strive to provide Latin books in the same quality as the publisher's website.
  • If the publisher's website offers a distorted or incomplete version, Ebookrally cannot be held responsible.
  1. Offline Requests:
  • Specify the document quality (scan, original, or non-original) for offline requests.
  • Costs may vary based on document quality, and failure to specify will result in acceptance of any quality provided by Ebookrally.
  1. Non-Original PDFs:
  • Some PDFs on our site are non-original and converted from other formats.
  • If you specifically want the original PDF version, notify us before the book is sent, and we will refund your payment.
  1. External Site Purchases:
  • For books purchased from external sites, our responsibility is limited to buying and sending them to you.
  • We are not accountable for content on foreign book-selling sites, including originality, completeness, and distortion of files.
  1. Availability and Delivery Time:
  • Access to books depends on availability on download databases and bookstores.
  • While we strive for prompt service, some hard-to-access books may take longer than the indicated time.
  1. User Information:
  • Users are responsible for their information, and we guarantee document retention for 7 days.
  • After this period, Ebookrally is not held responsible for document loss.
  1. Rule Changes:
  • We reserve the right to modify site rules without notice.
  • It is your responsibility to stay informed by regularly visiting our rules and regulations page.
  1. Privacy Commitment:
  • We keep user information such as IP and email confidential, except where disclosure is required by law.
  • For privacy concerns or questions, contact us through our online or offline support or email us at [email protected].

Thank you for choosing Ebookrally. If you have any further inquiries or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.
Best regards,
The Ebookrally Team