Download Book Philosophy: A Text with Readings, 14th Edition - E-Book - Original PDF

Original PDF by Manuel Velasquez
Format: Original PDF Language: English Edition: 14 Publisher: Cengage Learning; 14th edition (July 12, 2024) Publitshion date: 2024 ISBN: 9780357947326, 9798214153308, 9780357947401, 9780357947395
Students will like exploring the interesting philosophical ideas related to human nature, reality, truth, ethics, the meaning of life, diversity and social/political philosophy with Velasquez's PHILOSOPHY: A TEXT WITH READINGS, 14th Edition. The book is built on clear and engaging writing and the nontechnical primary source readings make complex philosophical concepts easier to understand. The book includes numerous carefully crafted learning aids that help you quickly master the material and succeed in your course. Much of the text is designed to help users learn how to reason logically -- a skill that will be of immense benefit not only in your other courses, but throughout your life.
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