Download Book Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach, 6th Edition - E-Book - PDF

EPUB + Converted PDF by Piet de Boer, Richard Buckley, Stanley Hoppenfeld
Format: EPUB + Converted PDF Language: English Edition: 6 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health; 6th edition (June 2, 2021) Publitshion date: 2021 ISBN: 9781975168797, 9781975168827
For nearly 40 years,Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approachhas helped orthopaedic surgeons enhance their anatomic knowledge, increase safety, and improve patient outcomes. The fully revised sixth edition carries on the legacy of Dr. StanleyHoppenfeld(1934-2020), whose ideas have influenced orthopaedic surgical care worldwide. Coauthored by Piet de Boer and Dr. Richard Buckley, this bestselling reference provides a clear view of orthopaedic anatomy from the surgeon’s perspective using easy-to-follow descriptions and hundreds of superb full-color illustrations.
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