Download Instructor Resources of American Government: Institutions and Policies, Enhanced, 16th Edition - Instructor Resources (Instructor's Manual + PowerPoint Presentations)

Multiple Formats by James Wilson, John DiIulio Jr., Meena Bose
Format: Multiple Formats Language: English Edition: 16 Publisher: Cengage Learning (January 1, 2020) Publitshion date: 2020 ISBN: 9780357136300, 0357136306, 9798214337302, 9780357136317, 9780357299128, 9780357136430, 9780357700747, 9780357136423
Combining practical insight and examples with MindTap's anywhere, anytime digital learning tools, Wilson/Dilulio/Bose/Levendusky's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES, ENHANCED, 16th Edition, equips you with a thorough understanding of the U.S. government. It examines current issues in American politics, focusing on the importance of governmental institutions, the historical development of governmental procedures and policies as well as on who governs in the U.S. and to what ends. Up-to-date coverage includes changes during the Trump administration and results of the 2018 midterm elections. Clear learning objectives and highlighted key concepts help you know exactly what to focus on, while links to contemporary debates on policy dynamics enable you to identify important issues in American politics, apply what you learn and maximize course success.
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